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Dirty Water Dogs | Beer Pairings

A classic warm-weather duo, hot dogs and beer both get taken up a few notches when you find a complimentary pairing that brings out the best in their individual flavor profiles. Amanda and Mike, of Dirty Water Dogs Food Cart, are sharing some great combos with us to help get your own creative juices flowing this barbecue season!

Texas Dog


Brown Ale or Dark Lager

All beef hot dog topped with BBQ pulled pork, cheddar, and fried onions. The sweet, nutty flavors from the beer bring out the sweetness found in the meat combo of this crowd favorite!

Georgia Smoked Sausage


Oktoberfest Pilsner

The lighter sweet and malty flavors found in an Oktoberfest pilsner bounce perfectly off a juicy well-smoked sausage!

Widow Maker


Saison or Light IPA

This dog includes jalapenos and sriracha mayo. Stick to a super light and crisp beer with low alcohol content. This will complement the heat and help quench your thirst.

Amanda Prickett and Mike Stoddard are the masterminds behind Dirty Water Dogs, which I'm sure you've seen set up out and about around the greater SML area. Based out of Penhook, this couple (originally from New York/New Jersey and planning their wedding at the lake in the coming year) launched Amanda's long-time dream of owning a hot dog cart last summer. They love bouncing new ideas for the business off of each other and are so grateful that they've found a side hustle that is something that they both really enjoy!

Their food cart is more flexible than most thanks to both its size and the clean fuel they burn, making it ideal for indoor AND outdoor events of any kind. Birthdays, company picnics, weddings, corporate events…you name it!

Keep up with where they'll be setting up each weekend on their Facebook page:


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