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Laurie Andrews | LAT Wellness Studios

Maybe you're like the majority… re-prioritizing your health and looking for habits to incorporate into your lifestyle in pursuit of greater wellness this new year. Laurie Andrews, of LAT Wellness Studio (located just over the Bedford side of the Bridge), might just be able to help!

Laurie is the founder and head trainer of LAT. She and her husband moved to the lake over the summer of 2020. They had spent the past few years living in Fredrickburg, VA and were longing for a bit more breathing room. Having both grown up on farms, they knew that city life was not for them long-term. Over the years Smith Mountain Lake had become one of their vacation destinations of choice, and since high on their moving must-have list were things like: hiking, kayaking, and fishing, it seemed like a great place to explore for putting down some roots!

Though the real estate market was a bit crazy at the time, they managed to find a farm in Huddleston that seemed to be just the right place to settle in and expand their family which now includes a one-year-old daughter and baby #2 arriving in the spring!

Laurie is a Clinically Certified Exercise Physiologist and though COVID was still raging when they moved, she started offering group exercise classes outside at their new property as they continued the process of settling in.

Word spread quickly and Laurie marvels at the fact that she connected with more people here in 2 ½ weeks than she did in the full three years they lived in Northern Virginia! It fast became evident that there was a need for a wellness studio at the lake. One that was small, tailored to the individual, and felt like family.

That's exactly what she has created at LAT Wellness! Offering 1:1 personal training, small group personal training, and group classes (Boot Camp and Yoga are fan favs), what makes working out with LAT even more attainable is the fact that they offer virtual options as well!

Though you might think that virtual meetings were a thing of the pandemic-past, just pause for a minute and realize all the flexibility they could offer you. Maybe the weather is inclement, or your child is home from school sick. Perhaps you are a primary caregiver for your spouse and don't have the ability to get out much, but still want to carve out time to invest in yourself each week. What happens when you only live part-time here, but you really connect with your instructor and want to continue that relationship year-round? Virtual instruction can help so much in these scenarios, and many more, as you strive to grow and maintain your best possible self!

Laurie and her trainers are highly qualified to work with nearly any population group - ages 5 to 95! Those who are just starting to incorporate wellness into their lives, elite athletes, and everyone in between will find a home at LAT.

It doesn't matter what your individual goals or special considerations might be, book a free consultation and allow the staff to guide you toward the offerings that line up best with your current lifestyle and needs. They pride themselves in getting to know each and every member along with their medical history, which can help them truly personalize each experience - even within a group class setting.

Here is a sampling of their flexible monthly membership options:

4 classes per month | $50

8 classes per month | $75

12 classes per month | $90

Unlimited | $105

To make sure that LAT is a great fit for you, your first drop-in class is FREE. Give it a try and see if your new wellness family might be waiting just beyond their doors!

To reach the studio call: 252-702-1749

Feel free to leave a voicemail if nobody can make it to the phone.

To follow LAT Wellness Studio on Facebook CLICK HERE.

This blog post is brought to you by Yonn's Chimney Services.


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