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Restaurant Week 2024

The Fourth Annual SML Restaurant Week just kicked off yesterday! This year, it will run from April 17th through 30th. During the 13-day window, diners can visit participating restaurants for a variety of breakfast, lunch, dinner, drink, and dessert specials.


According to Erin Stanley (SML Regional Chamber of Commerce Membership Director and Events Manager) in a recent press release, 26 restaurants participated in last year’s event, drawing diners from five states and 40 towns/cities.

"We were thrilled with last year's attendance and the overwhelming positive feedback from both SML locals and visitors who savored the food at our diverse [establishments]."


The specials will be available for dine-in and carry out. Additionally, after completing their meal, diners will have the opportunity to enter a drawing to win one of several $25 gift cards.

 Erin says: "All [guests] need to do is locate the QR code displayed at participating restaurants and complete a short online form for a chance to win." 


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