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Smith Mountain Arts Council

Over the past couple of years, we have spotlighted some wonderful arts groups in our area: Lake Writers, SML Photo Club, and the Lakeside Singers, to name a few. But did you know that all of these entities exist under the same umbrella organization: The Smith Mountain Arts Council (SMAC)? Run as a non-profit by an army of volunteers, the Arts Council was formed three decades ago for the purpose of promoting and attracting arts to our community.

Their primary work each year is presenting a full season of local events that might include musical concerts, theatre offerings, holiday celebrations, art shows, and more. Their 2023-2024 lineup has a few new genres represented including a comedy show, and a performance by the professional ballet company from Roanoke Ballet Theatre with live music by the Rainier Trio. You'll also find on the calendar perennial favorites like the Coffeehouse Series and Holiday Concert with David Stewart Wiley.

SMAC heads the annual SML Fall Art Show (which attracts entrants from around the lake, the Commonwealth, and even as far away as North Carolina) and Spring Photo Show that always has the most stunning imagery in a multitude of categories captured by the artistic eyes of area photographers.

In addition to supporting scholarships for high school students entering the arts, and the Junior Appalachian Musician program, a fresh new vision that the Arts Council board has taken on recently is directed toward making the arts more accessible to the youth of our area. Over the past summer they organized their first ever Art Camp for students ages 9-14. It included classes led by local artists in the realms of painting, music, theatre, photography, and writing. The camp had a wonderful inaugural run, and they look forward to offering it again next summer!

President, Dianna Weiner, is excited about working to find a physical home for SMAC, from which they would be able to serve the community in an even more robust way. She loves that the Council provides so many different avenues for residents to find their artistic "niche" in the community, and consequently the opportunity to find their tribe of like-minded neighbors.

How can you support SMAC?

By becoming a member and attending their community performances!

What comes along with membership?

A discount of at least $5 off all SMAC-sponsored events throughout the year.

I'm an arts-related group, can I become affiliated with SMAC?

Yes! Read about their affiliate program HERE.

Where can I find the events listing for the season and purchase tickets?

Follow THIS link.

I would like to join a club, who do I contact?

If you're interested in more information about the Smith Mountain Arts Council, or would like to volunteer (they are specifically looking for a marketing head at the time of publication), contact:

President Dianna Weiner



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